


Earn a Versatile Degree in 英语 from 欧宝体育app入口


在他们的学习过程中, 英语 majors develop skills in reading, 写作, 和 critical thinking—skills that are essential 和 highly sought after in any career. In 欧宝体育app入口’s 英语 program, students will benefit from expert professors 和 small class sizes that facilitate individualized study in a variety of concentrations.



small class sizes perfect for focused discussion 和 individualized study 
flexible curriculum 和 experienced faculty who will help you to reach your goals
opportunities for 出版, editing, 和 tutoring
Dr. Thomas at the International Coffee House poetry reading


We believe that focused discussions in small groups about good books 和 good 写作 provide the best kind of education for 英语 majors. We also work individually with students on their own interpretations of literary texts 和 写作 endeavors. Majors have published scholarship in journals, served as 编辑器s of online publications 和 presented scholarly 和 creative works at literary conferences. 

Explore career paths built on the written word.  


Your interests will determine whether you follow the path of a professional or creative writer, 老师, 律师, 记者, 艺术家, 编辑器, etc;  it’s all up to you.


研究: 欧宝体育app入口的节目中, opportunities for research can lead you to publication in scholarly journals 和 presentations at conferences.


创造力: 如果你对创意写作感兴趣, joining the Literary Club’s 写作 workshops will refine your work for publication or for our 写作 contest, 和 working with the program’s own literary magazines—挂毯新的星座, will offer you experience in editing 和 出版.


教学领域: Working as a tutor in the 写作 Center will refine your own editing 和 revising skills 和 help to prepare you for a career in 教学.

课程 & 课程

What You’ll Learn in the Undergraduate 英语 Program

An undergraduate 英语 major will provide you with both practical skills 和 theoretical knowledge of literature 和 写作. Our program helps you to build a solid foundation in literary theory 和 analysis, 作文与创意写作, 和 a variety of American 和 British literatures. 从那里, you have the freedom to choose electives that most closely align with your interests 和 goals. 例如, you can take a course in women’s literature or Shakespeare 和 write your own poetry, 短篇小说, 或者是小说. You can also add a minor or second major. In addition to our minors 和 concentrations, the curriculum leaves you free to pursue a double major in fields like history, 西班牙语, 或心理学. In 欧宝体育app入口’s 英语 program, the possibilities are endless.

  • 度路径
  • 学习目标

Experienced 英语 faculty who love to teach

在圣弗朗西斯, you will learn from professors who love the written word 和 want to share that love with their students. They are all prolific writers 和 active scholars in their respective fields. The 英语 faculty are members of the Department of 文学 和 Languages.


程序的椅子: Dr. 布伦南·托马斯bthomas@inonezl.com, 814.471.1111


现在比以往任何时候都重要, 英语 majors are in high dem和 for their reading, 写作, 分析, 以及编辑技巧. 能够有效地沟通, 解决问题, 和 think outside the box make 英语 majors a great fit for a multitude of career paths. Our graduates are well prepared for careers in journalism, 市场营销, 法律, 出版, 教学, 技术写作, 和更多的.


Frequently Asked Questions 关于 英语 和 欧宝体育app入口

  • 我可以用我的英语专业做什么?

    英语专业的学生毕业时具有阅读能力, 写作, 和 分析 skills that can be applied broadly to a variety of careers. Many 英语 majors go on to work in 教学, 写作, 市场营销, 和 journalism. They also can pursue advanced degrees in literature, 创意写作, 法律, 语言学, 图书馆科学, 和更多的.

  • What are the publications associated with the 英语 program?

    The university produces two creative arts publications: 挂毯 publishes the winners of the school’s annual Gunard B. 卡尔森写作比赛; 新星座 is an online literary magazine that publishes works by high school students 和 is edited by students in the 英语 program.

  • I have an interest in a field of literature or 写作 that isn’t in the course offerings. 我可以继续吗??

    是的! 如果你对, 假设, studying science fiction or 写作 a memoir, our faculty will nurture your passion through an independent study or special topics course. By joining the Literary Club 和 connecting with other 英语 majors, you can develop a supportive community who share your interests.